August, 2022


2h 30m

Decided to play more Final Fantasy VII with the girlfriend watching, who is really enjoying the story so far. We just made it to Aerith's hometown, after (naturally) slaying some monsters and helping out some local kids, I saved for the day.

I have to say the game's graphics are stunning. I know it's an overused phrase, but it definitely evokes a "next-gen" feeling. I am playing on the "performance" mode (60fps) so I'm even missing out on some of the more advanced graphical features like ray tracing but hey, I'm not playing at 30fps period.

Really happy I decided to pick this up out of the backlog and really put time into it because the game is absolutely full of beautiful locales, bustling towns and it's a pretty damn good game as well.


3h 0m

Decided to put some more time into Final Fantasy VII, made it to where we meet up with Aerith and got my ass kicked in the fight after that.